Collapsing into YOU

Many of us imagine, that we will gently shift into love, peace and compassion. Perhaps, you feel that your becoming, is one year, three insights or a yoga retreat away from who you want to become. Perhaps you have been working on your self for decades, and feel your true emergence is gentle night's sleep away.

Unfortunately, that's often the furthest from what really happens. As YOU ALREADY ARE, and ALWAYS WILL BE the person you are seeking, what you are doing is really letting go of, is WHAT ISN'T YOU.

The WHAT ISN'T YOU, is the separate, anxious, individual, striving to make the rent, find love, and needing to control every aspect of your life to feel safe. Perhaps we are all role playing, with this controlling, angry mini persona, a sort of suit we have worn as long as we can remember, which now wants to be changed. We perhaps needed that suit, with the pain of youth, and what happened in the past. It was our protective veil, but now its the cause of our misery.

Don't think for a second that this suit is not alive, and willing to do anything to survive ands keep hold of you. This is nature. Like a lion, going for an impala, with the fate of the animal already sealed, the impala will always give one final thrust, to burst free before dying. Your false self too, will scream in control and striving, performing all its old programmes in technicolor perfection, before it too dies.

So, these are testing times. Expect the unexpected. New lovers may emerge, who are completely different than before. All your old guards might be up, ready to defend. But this person is like a gentle cushion, a soft mirror, calling you to drop your weapons as there is no attacker, except the voices in you head. Money is suddenly a rare commodity, as you feel the pain of striving and controlling to keep an old vision of who you thought you were alive. Your mind is now throwing fear, judgement, and everything else in the kitchen sink at you. But like quick sand, nothing sticks, and everything is just out of reach. But when you truly look at the situation objectively, life couldn't be better. Mommy and daddy issues are resolved, living in a beautiful home by the sea, just purchased a car, surrounded by loving and supportive friends. But it doesn't feel that way ...

During these times, slow down. Feel your breath, and with every inhale and exhale, feel how life supports your very being. You have a RIGHT to be here. You JUST ARE... the truth is that the universe wants you here. Without you, the universe would not be as beautiful, loving, textured. The tea would not taste the same, and the beauty of your flower could not be shared without you. All will pass, all will be redeemed and all will be shown the way it truly is. Just as love ...

Given that the false self is louder than anything else, we truly don't know what lies underneath. We have hints, but this true self is so fresh, so ancient, so eternal, so you. We will still have to chop wood, pay rent, and find love ... but you are what you have been waiting for. Can you taste it yet?

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