Letting go

IS...no laughing matter, It just ain't pretty. The internal fight against letting life be as it is, accepting it, and making peace, is an epic battle suitable for an entire Star Wars series, and a thousand years of written and spoken spiritual tradition.

The DNA programme of striving, working hard, repressing, role playing, with a tiny little alien type entity in our head, permanently judging, always unsatisfied, and continually shifting from problem/solution, back to problem is a human phenomenon at an epic scale across the world.

Sometimes, to truly crack this, and be in a position of choosing love over fear, it's volume needs to be amplified to the degree that its unbearable. This is an incredible opportunity and a momentous occasion. When an aspect of your life is at low volume, ignoring or repressing is an easy response. But, when its loud, continuous, life cannot continue without addressing it... change must be coming.

For many, who have the A type, perfectionism, pleaser, speed freak, and worrier archetype, there is an associated anxiety which is imprinted over a lifetime. When we are ready to remove that mask, the body (or rocket ship) begins to shake rag doll style. An epic battle is being waged, and this programme wants to survive. When this happens, like a rocket ship, you don't know you are about to break into deep space, calm, and silence. The ship shake to its very core, nuts and bolts, and you thinking you are crashing. But wait... be patient.... and ...

Then ... booooommmmm ... silence, presence, peace, calm, and love. This is who we are at our core, and what's waiting on the other side of what's not true. As a child, young adult, this repression and separation served to protect us. Now, its time to shine who we really are. But first, we must know vulnerability, our heart, our truth, and accept uncertainty, needing no protection, bare to the universe.

This great Bob Newhart skit has great wisdom as a reminder to just 'let go' or as he says 'stop it'. Have a great weekend.

Max Pichulik